ISRT Lagos
International Loveworld Medical
Symposium on Radionuclide Therapy & Oncology (ISRT - Lagos)
This meeting is now CPD ACCREDITED
The Symposium will bring together Nuclear Medicine leaders, physicians, scientists, healthcare professionals, and others interested in the challenges and advancements related to nuclear medicine and molecular imaging and therapy.
- High-quality scientific content
- Networking
- Evidence-based forums
- Q&A opportunities
- Discussions relevant to research and policymaking for the promotion of radiopharmaceutical therapy
Registration is free for the Workshop.
Speaker and Event Overview
19th ICRT Program
Please find the 19th ICRT Preliminary Program Below.
Updated 7-Feb-2024
Thank you to our Bronze Sponsor
Reunión Internacional WARMTH
Reunión Internacional WARMTH
Sociedad Madrileña de Medicina Nuclear e Imagen Molecular
Madrid 3 de octubre de 2023
Salón de Actos. Hº Universitario Quirónsalud Madrid
Formato híbrido (presencial/streaming). Plataforma DORYOS
19th ICRT - Muscat, OMAN
Join us in Muscat, Oman, for the 19th ICRT from the 8th to the 12th of February, 2024.
Crowne Plaza Muscat OCEC
Abstract Submission- Closed
Registration is open
Thank you for the ongoing support of our ICRT Events
18th ICRT Post Congress
KUMASI, GHANA /MAY 4-6, 2023
The HopeXchange Medical Center in Kumasi, Ghana, is a modern, innovative, fully digital center of excellence. It includes adult and pediatric wards with 120 beds, an intensive care unit, an Outpatient Center, three state-of-the-art surgical operating rooms, Clinical and Research Laboratories, a Diagnostic and Imaging Department, an Endoscopy Unit, and an Ophthalmic Department. The three main objectives of the Medical Center are clinical and surgical services, specialized medical and scientific education, and clinical and translational research. Through a cohort of local and international medical and scientific partners, HopeXchange aims to increase healthcare capacity in sub-Saharan Africa by developing an innovative, replicable, and scalable model.
The Medical University of Innsbruck and the Tirol-Kliniken, Austria, have been supporting partners of the HopeXChange Medical Center. This post-congress meeting of WARMTH is aimed at initiating Nuclear Medicine diagnosis and therapy at the hospital.
The meeting will center on major discussions within the international expert panel and the local faculty and hospital staff.
The Post Congress registration can be added to your registration for the ICRT.
Irene Virgolini | Mario Cappello | Dominic Osei-Kofi |
Innsbruck, Austria | Rome, Italy | Kumasi, Ghana |
18th ICRT - ACCRA, Ghana - May 1-4, 2023
The 18th ICRT will be held in Accra, Ghana from 1st-4th May 2023, with post-congress in Kumasi, Ghana, 4th-6th May.
Abstract submission is open to the 28 of March 2023. Awards to be given include Life Achievement Award and Best Poster. A limited number of travel grants are available. Please click here to apply.
Please sign up for our mailing list if you are not already a member to get ICRT updates.
Welcome Letter/Flyer
Online Agenda | Abstract Submission
Registration Page | Travel Information
2022 World Theragnostics Day Webinar
Join us for a one-hour webinar as we celebrate World Theragnostic Day on March 31.
WARMTH is proud to host a one-webinar with experts in the field of Theragnositcs for Prostate Cancer - moderated by our President Mike Sathekge and featuring talks by Prof Oliver Sartor - USA and Prof Louise Emmett - Australia.
Our webinar will start at 13:00 CET, to see your local time click here.
Agenda - All times CET
13:00-13:05 Welcome Mike Sathekge – WARMTH President
13:05-13:25 VISION Trial in mCRPC Prof Oliver Sartor - USA
13:25-13:45 "Life after VISION: Where to next?" Prof Louise Emmett - AU
13.45-14:00 QA & Discussion ALLDownload the agenda and speaker's biography by clicking here
2023 World Theragnostics Day Webinar
Join us for a one-hour webinar as we celebrate World Theragnostic Day on March 31.
WARMTH is proud to host a one-hour webinar on FAPI Theragnositcs, moderated by WARMTH's President Mike Sathekge.
We welcome Prof. Frederik Giesel - Chairman of the Nuclear Medicine Department at University Hospital Dusseldorf, with a focus on FAPI.
WARMTH Members will get a direct link to the broadcast. Not a member? Join now by clicking here. Or register for the webinar below.
The webinar will start at 14:00 CET. To see the time in your local time zone, click here.
2024 World Theragnostics Day Webinar
Join us for a one-hour webinar as we celebrate World Theragnostic Day on April 3rd, 0500 UTC.
To see the time where you live, click here.
WARMTH is proud to host a one-hour webinar moderated by WARMTH's President, Kalevi Kairemo, Finland.
Dr. HOSSEIN JADVAR, MD, PhD, Professor of Radiology, will discuss the Clinical Challenges of Delivering PSMA Lu-177.
Prof Andrew Scott AM, Director, Department Of Molecular Imaging And Therapy, Austin Health, will discuss Improving Global Access and Availability of Theragnostics.
WARMTH Members will receive a direct link to the broadcast. If you are not a member, you can join by clicking here.
Or register for the webinar below. You can download a poster to share here.
15th ICRT
The 15th ICRT 2020 is going virtual.
December 5-6, 2020
Abstract Submission Closed
Registration Now Open
On behalf of the 15th ICRT Secretariat, it is a great pleasure to welcome you to the 15th International Conference on Radiopharmaceutical Therapy (ICRT) of WARMTH virtually.
The two-day conference will bring together the leaders, physicians, scientists, healthcare professionals, and others interested in the challenges related to nuclear medicine and molecular imaging. We assure you the highest level of scientific discussions relevant to research and policymaking for the promotion of radiopharmaceutical therapy.
While we wish we were coming together and experiencing the cultural and culinary heritage at our original site in Cox’s Bazar, Bangladesh as with all other international congresses we will be meeting virtually this year.
Important dates:
Abstracts Open: September 30, 2020
Abstracts Close October 31, 2020, Extended through November 8, 2020 - Now Closed
Registration Now Open
Virtual Education Sessions: December 5-6, 2020
Prof. Dr. Raihan Hussain, President ICRT 2020 & President SNMB
Click Read more to view the agenda and other information
16th ICRT
The 16th ICRT 2021 is virtual.
December 4-5, 2022
Abstract Submission Closed
All WARMTH Members are automatically registered
On behalf of the 16th ICRT Chair, it is a great pleasure to welcome you to the 16th International Conference on Radiopharmaceutical Therapy (ICRT) of WARMTH virtually.
The two-day conference will bring together the leaders, physicians, scientists, healthcare professionals, and others interested in the challenges related to nuclear medicine and molecular imaging. We assure you of the highest level of scientific discussions relevant to research and policymaking for the promotion of radiopharmaceutical therapy.
Two days - 17 speakers from around the globe.
While we wish we were coming together in person, we look forward to meeting you again virtually with the hope of meeting in person during 2022
Virtual Education Sessions: December 4-5, 2021
Prof. Dr. Partha S. Choudhury 16th ICRT Chair and WARMTH President
Click to download the agenda or click on read more.
14th ICRT - Nanjing, China. Aug 21-25, 2019
The 14th ICRT will be held in Nanjing China from 22nd-25th August 2019 with pre-congress and opening on 21st August.
Abstracts submission extended to 22, June 2019. Awards to be given include: Life Achievement Award, Best Poster and Best Oral Presentation. A limited number of travel grants are available. Please click here in order to submit an application.
Please sign up for our mailing list, if you are not already a member to get ICRT updates. Need to check visa information?
Online Agenda
Welcome Letter
Registration Site